Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pajama Run!

Thanks to our friends, the Crusts, for giving us the great idea, we recently surprised Ethan and Emma with our first Pajama Run.
How it works: We do the normal bedtime routine, put the kids "down for bed" and then a few minutes later go up to their room clapping our hands and singing a "Pajama Run" song. Then we get the kids out of their beds in their PJs and take them out for ice cream:
Ethan and Emma loved it, especially Ethan! He had a huge smile on his face. Emma seemed a little scared at first (she must have been thinking to herself, "wow! what are my parents doing? they have gone absolutely mad"), but quickly warmed up to the idea .

Emma enjoying her ice cream like a Big Girl:
Ethan and his cone with dad and his sundae:
The girls and our ice cream:
Emma required a little assistance and maintenance with hers :-)
Video of our outing:

The start of a new, fun family tradition! :-) Thanks Rob and Larissa for such a great idea!


Stacey said...

so FUNNNNNN!!! I have been wanting to do this for awhile, now,and ya'll may have inspired us to do us! Glad ya'll made a special memory! Love-S

Larissa said...

Hooray for Pajama Runs! We need to do one soon--yours looked so fun! ;) I'm so glad you guys are adding this as a family tradition. It's one of our very favorites (although it's a little sad to not have the option of going to the Pie Kitchen any more). :) When we read about it, we knew it was right up our family personality's ally! :) We miss you guys a lot, but are so glad you are doing well. We'll be praying for these last weeks of your pregnancy and looking forward to hearing

Larissa said...

oops, didn't finish!
...about the arrival of the third baby Grusy!!! We love you guys!
Love, Larissa